Recent clinical practice survey data have supported the fact that clinicians continue to use thermo-tactile stimulation (TTS) as a strategy to stimulate key nerve pathways and evoke a swallow reflex for patients with a delayed or absent swallow reflex. . Children with sufficient cognitive skills can be taught to interpret this visual information and make physiological changes during the swallowing process. effect of neuromuscular and thermal tactile stimulation on its rehabilitation. 0000001525 00000 n Consistent with the World Health Organizations (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health framework (ASHA, 2016a; WHO, 2001), a comprehensive assessment is conducted to identify and describe. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31(1), 5055. Best practice indicates establishing open lines of communication with the students physician or other health care providereither through the family or directlywith the familys permission. 0000009195 00000 n SLPs lead the team in. The health and well-being of the child is the primary concern in treating pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders., Calis, E. A. C., Veuglers, R., Sheppard, J. J., Tibboel, D., Evenhuis, H. M., & Penning, C. (2008). 210.10(m)(1) (2021). Early introduction of oral feeding in preterm infants. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 41(4), 230236. Intraoral prosthetics (e.g., palatal obturator, palatal lift prosthesis) can be used to normalize the intraoral cavity by providing compensation or physical support for children with congenital abnormalities (e.g., cleft palate) or damage to the oropharyngeal mechanism. 1 Successful Rehabilitation Strategies Based on Motor Learning in Patients with Swallowing Disorders Motor learning refers to how motor performance is improved and subsequently maintained. (2016). NNS does not determine readiness to orally feed, but it is helpful for assessment. 0000090877 00000 n Thermal tactile stimulation also, known as thermal application is one type of therapy used for the treatment of swallowing disorders. It is also important to consider any behavioral and/or sensory components that may influence feeding when exploring the option to begin oral feeding. SLPs may collaborate with occupational therapists, considering that motor control for the use of this adaptive equipment is critical. Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing. Those section letters and numbers from 2011 are 210.10(g)(1) and can be found at School districts that participate in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service Program in the schools, known as the National School Lunch Program, must follow regulations [see 7 C.F.R. Oropharyngeal dysphagia and/or feeding dysfunction in children with cerebral palsy is estimated to be 19.2%99.0%. data from monitoring devices (e.g., for patients in the neonatal intensive care unit [NICU]); nonverbal forms of communication (e.g., behavioral cues signaling feeding or swallowing problems); and. Celia Hooper, vice president for professional practices in speech-language pathology (20032005), served as monitoring vice president. In addition to determining the type of treatment that is optimal for the child with feeding and swallowing problems, SLPs consider other service delivery variables that may affect treatment outcomes, including format, provider, dosage, and setting. support safe and adequate nutrition and hydration; determine the optimum feeding methods and techniques to maximize swallowing safety and feeding efficiency; collaborate with family to incorporate dietary preferences; attain age-appropriate eating skills in the most normal setting and manner possible (i.e., eating meals with peers in the preschool, mealtime with the family); minimize the risk of pulmonary complications; prevent future feeding issues with positive feeding-related experiences to the extent possible, given the childs medical situation. McCain, G. C. (1997). A significant number of studies that evaluated tactile-pain interactions employed heat to evoke nociceptive responses. Families are encouraged to bring food and drink common to their household and utensils typically used by the child. How can the childs functional abilities be maximized? Determining the appropriate procedure to use depends on what needs to be visualized and which procedure will be best tolerated by the child. consider the optimum tube-feeding method that best meets the childs needs and. Oralmotor treatments are intended to influence the physiologic underpinnings of the oropharyngeal mechanism to improve its functions. For children with complex feeding problems, an interdisciplinary team approach is essential for individualized treatment (McComish et al., 2016). See figures below. The appropriateness of the treatment format often depends on the childs age, the type and severity of the feeding or swallowing problem, and the service delivery setting. Logemann, J. 0000063213 00000 n The Journal of Pediatrics, 161(2), 354356. The effects of TTS on swallowing have not yet been investigated in IPD. hb``b````c` B,@. Pro-Ed. ; American Psychiatric Association, 2016), ARFID is an eating or a feeding disturbance (e.g., apparent lack of interest in eating or in food, avoidance based on the sensory characteristics of food, concern about aversive consequences of eating), as manifested by These approaches may be considered by the medical team if the childs swallowing safety and efficiency cannot reach a level of adequate function or does not adequately support nutrition and hydration. Johnson, D. E., & Dole, K. (1999). 1400 et seq., Newman, L. A., Keckley, C., Petersen, M. C., & Hamner, A. (1998). Some of these interventions can also incorporate sensory stimulation. Periodic assessment and monitoring of significant changes are necessary to ensure ongoing swallow safety and adequate nutrition throughout adulthood. McComish, C., Brackett, K., Kelly, M., Hall, C., Wallace, S., & Powell, V. (2016)., Shaker, C. S. (2013a)., Jaffal, H., Isaac, A., Johannsen, W., Campbell, S., & El-Hakim, H. G. (2020). Behavioral interventions are based on principles of behavioral modification and focus on increasing appropriate actions or behaviorsincluding increasing complianceand reducing maladaptive behaviors related to feeding. The recommended citation for this Practice Portal page is: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (n.d). The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 29(1), 8190. It is used as a treatment option to encourage eventual oral intake. Signs and symptoms vary based on the phase(s) affected and the childs age and developmental level. Questions to ask when developing an appropriate treatment plan within the ICF framework include the following. A. Sometimes a light transient headache and a feeling of fatigue is reported, although it is not clear whether these are caused by the stimulation or participation in the experiment . The clinical evaluation typically begins with a case history based on a comprehensive review of medical/clinical records and interviews with the family and health care professionals. You do not have JavaScript Enabled on this browser., Erkin, G., Culha, C., Ozel, S., & Kirbiyik, E. G. (2010)., Bhattacharyya, N. (2015). Early Human Development, 85(5), 303311. Late onset necrotizing enterocolitis in infants following use of a xanthan gum-containing thickening agent. Infants under 6 months of age typically require head, neck, and trunk support. (2018). -Group II (thermal tactile stimulation treatment program): Comprised 25 patients who received thermal tactile stimulation daily three times, each of 20 minutes An estimated 116,000 newborn infants are discharged from short-stay hospitals with a diagnosis of feeding problems, according to the. Prevalence of DSM-5 avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder in a pediatric gastroenterology healthcare network. However, there are times when a prescription, referral, or medical clearance from the students primary care physician or other health care provider is indicated, such as when the student. These cues typically indicate that the infant is disengaging from feeding and communicating the need to stop. If choosing to use electrical stimulation in the pediatric population, the primary focus should be on careful patient selection to ensure that electrical stimulation is being used only in situations where there is no possibility of inducing untoward effects. Family and cultural issues in a school swallowing and feeding program. ; American Psychiatric Association, 2016), ARFID is an eating or a feeding disturbance (e.g., apparent lack of interest in eating or in food, avoidance based on the sensory characteristics of food, concern about aversive consequences of eating), as manifested by persistent failure to meet appropriate nutritional and/or energy needs associated with one (or more) of the following: SLPs may screen or make referrals for ARFID but do not diagnose this disorder. The ASHA Action Center welcomes questions and requests for information from members and non-members. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 39(2), 177191. an increased respiratory rate (tachypnea); changes in the normal heart rate (bradycardia or tachycardia); skin color change, such as turning blue around the lips, nose, and fingers/toes (cyanosis, mottled); temporary cessation of breathing (apnea); frequent stopping due to an uncoordinated suckswallowbreathe pattern; and, coughing and/or choking during or after swallowing, difficulty chewing foods that are texturally appropriate for age (may spit out, retain, or swallow partially chewed food), difficulty managing secretions (including non-teething-related drooling of saliva), disengagement/refusal shown by facial grimacing, facial flushing, finger splaying, or head turning away from the food source, frequent congestion, particularly after meals, loss of food/liquid from the mouth when eating, noisy or wet vocal quality during and after eating, taking longer to finish meals or snacks (longer than 30 min per meal and less for small snacks), refusing foods of certain textures, brands, colors, or other distinguishing characteristics, taking only small amounts of food, overpacking the mouth, and/or pocketing foods, delayed development of a mature swallowing or chewing pattern, vomiting (more than the typical spit-up for infants), stridor (noisy breathing, high-pitched sound), stertor (noisy breathing, low-pitched sound, like snoring). Treatment of ankyloglossia and breastfeeding outcomes: A systematic review. Recommended practices follow a collaborative process that involves an interdisciplinary team, including the child, family, caregivers, and other related professionals. Feeding skills of premature infants will be consistent with neurodevelopmental level rather than chronological age or adjusted age. Ongoing staff and family education is essential to student safety. They also provide information about the infants physiologic stability, which underlies the coordination of breathing and swallowing, and they guide the caregiver to intervene to support safe feeding. Introduction | EBRSR - Evidence-Based Review of Stroke Rehabilitation Pediatric dysphagia. Please see ASHAs resource on alternative nutrition and hydration in dysphagia care for further information. Infants & Young Children, 11(4), 3445. The roles of the SLP in the instrumental evaluation of swallowing and feeding disorders include. 0000088878 00000 n The infants compression and suction strength. World Health Organization. This might involve decisions about whether the individual can safely eat an oral diet that meets nutritional needs, whether that diet needs to be modified in any way, and whether the individual needs compensatory strategies to eat the diet. The referral can be initiated by families/caregivers or school personnel. The hyoid bone and the larynx are positioned higher than in adults, and the larynx elevates less than in adults during the pharyngeal phase of the swallow. 0000017901 00000 n Families may have strong beliefs about the medicinal value of some foods or liquids. FDA expands caution about Simply Thick., Wilson, E. M., & Green, J. R. (2009). Additional Resources SLPs develop and typically lead the school-based feeding and swallowing team. Reading the feeding. Huckabee, M. L., & Pelletier, C. A. Geyer, L. A., McGowan, J. S. (1995). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), survey interviews indicated that within the past 12 months, 0.9% of children (approximately 569,000) ages 317 years are reported to have swallowing problems (Bhattacharyya, 2015; Black et al., 2015). Oropharyngeal dysphagia in preschool children with cerebral palsy: Oral phase impairments. Assessment of pediatric dysphagia and feeding disorders: Clinical and instrumental approaches. The clinician provides families and caregivers with information about dysphagia, the purpose for the study, the test procedures, and the test environment. Feeding strategies for children may include alternating bites of food with sips of liquid or swallowing 23 times per bite or sip. Disability and Rehabilitation, 30(15), 11311138. See ASHAs resource on transitioning youth for information about transition planning. At that time, they. 0000037200 00000 n Pediatrics, 108(6), e106. The SLP providing and facilitating oral experiences with NNS must take great care to ensure that the experiences are positive and do not elicit stress or other negative consequences. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 77(5), 635646. Other benefits of KMC include temperature regulation, promotion of breastfeeding, parental empowerment and bonding, stimulation of lactation, and oral stimulation for the promotion of oral feeding ability. Furthermore, as stimulation of the rapidly-adapting skin mechanoreceptors during dynamic touch has been shown to be critical for other previously described intra- and inter-sensory interactions (e.g. Instrumental evaluation is completed in a medical setting. Management of adult neurogenic dysphagia. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed. (2001). overall physical, social, behavioral, and communicative development, structures of the face, jaw, lips, tongue, hard and soft palate, oral pharynx, and oral mucosa, functional use of muscles and structures used in swallowing, including, headneck control, posture, oral and pharyngeal reflexes, and involuntary movements and responses in the context of the childs developmental level, observation of the child eating or being fed by a family member, caregiver, or classroom staff member using foods from the home and oral abilities (e.g., lip closure) related to, utensils that the child may reject or find challenging, functional swallowing ability, including, but not limited to, typical developmental skills and task components, such as, manipulation and transfer of the bolus, and, the ability to eat within the time allotted at school. TTS is used in patients with neurogenic dysphagia particularly associated with sensory deficits. . However, relatively few studies have examined the effects of non-noxious thermal stimulation on tactile discriminative capacity. Consider the childs pulmonary status, nutritional status, overall medical condition, mobility, swallowing abilities, and cognition, in addition to the childs swallowing function and how these factors affect feeding efficiency and safety. For procedures that involve presentation of a solid and/or liquid bolus, the clinician instructs the family to schedule meals and snacks so that the child will be hungry and more likely to accept foods as needed for the study. Clinicians working in the NICU should be aware of the multidisciplinary nature of this practice area, the variables that influence infant feeding, and the process for developing appropriate treatment plans in this setting. Copyright 1998 Joan C. Arvedson. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 139, 110464. Oropharyngeal administration of mothers milk to prevent necrotizing enterocolitis in extremely low-birth-weight infants. Staff who work closely with the student should have training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the Heimlich maneuver. An individualized health plan or individualized health care plan may be developed as part of the IEP or 504 plan to establish appropriate health care that may be needed for students with feeding and/or swallowing disorder. Pediatric Pulmonology, 41(11), 10401048., de Vries, I. For an example, see community management of uncomplicated acute malnutrition in infants < 6 months of age (C-MAMI) [PDF]. Protocols for determining readiness for oral feeding and specific criteria for initiating feeding vary across facilities. Examples include the following: Please see the Treatment section of ASHAs Practice Portal page on Adult Dysphagia for further information. 0000018100 00000 n different positions (e.g., side feeding). Cue-based feedingrelies on cues from the infant, such as lack of active sucking, passivity, pushing the nipple away, or a weak suck. Nutricin Hospitalaria, 29(Suppl. A non-instrumental assessment of NNS includes an evaluation of the following: The clinician can determine the appropriateness of NS following an NNS assessment. 0000075738 00000 n the use of intervention probes to identify strategies that might improve function. The aim of this study was to investigate the immediate effects of TTS on the timing of swallow in a cohort of people . ET MondayFriday, Site Help | AZ Topic Index | Privacy Statement | Terms of Use British Journal of Nutrition, 111(3), 403414. A written referral or order from the treating physician is required for instrumental evaluations such as VFSS or FEES. Among children with communication disorders aged 310 years, the prevalence of swallowing problems is 4.3%. promote a meaningful and functional mealtime experience for children and families. All rights reserved. Indicators of choking risk in adults with learning disabilities: A questionnaire survey and interview study. The space between the tongue and the palate increases, and the larynx and the hyoid bone lower, elongating and enlarging the pharynx (Logemann, 1998). This paper reviews the method's history and selected data, outlines the theoretical underpinnings of sensory stimulation, reminds readers of what is required to bring a treatment from the laboratory to the clinic, and ends with some notions about the importance of belief and data in rehabilitation. ASHA is strongly committed to evidence-based practice and urges members to consider the best available evidence before utilizing any product or technique. Thermal tactile oral stimulation (TTOS) is an established method to treat patients with neurogenic dysphagia especially if caused by sensory deficits., Speyer, R., Cordier, R., Kim, J.-H., Cocks, N., Michou, E., & Wilkes-Gillan, S. (2019). Sensory stimulation may be needed for children with reduced responses, overactive responses, or limited opportunities for sensory experiences. (2002). has suspected structural abnormalities (requires an assessment from a medical professional)., Norris, M. L., Spettigue, W. J., & Katzman, D. K. (2016). Anatomical and physiological differences include the following: Chewing matures as the child develops (see, e.g., Gisel, 1988; Le Rvrend et al., 2014; Wilson & Green, 2009). Evaluation and treatment of swallowing disorders., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Gisel, E. G. (1988). (2000). Jennifer Carter of the Carter Swallowing Center, LLC, presents . Responsive feeding emphasizes communication rather than volume and may be used with infants, toddlers, and older children, unlike cue-based feeding that focuses on infants. behavioral factors, including, but not limited to. Thermal-tactile stimulation (TTS) is a sensory technique whereby stimulation is provided to the anterior faucial pillars to speed up the pharyngeal swallow. Beal, J., Silverman, B., Bellant, J., Young, T. E., & Klontz, K. (2012). Additional components of the evaluation include. Underlying disease state(s), chronological and developmental age of the child, social and environmental factors, and psychological and behavioral factors also affect treatment recommendations. B. Feeding and swallowing disorders may be considered educationally relevant and part of the school systems responsibility to ensure. Update on eating disorders: Current perspectives on avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder in children and youth. Feeding and eating disorders: DSM-5 Selections. complex medical conditions (e.g., heart disease, pulmonary disease, allergies, gastroesophageal reflux disease [GERD], delayed gastric emptying); factors affecting neuromuscular coordination (e.g., prematurity, low birth weight, hypotonia, hypertonia); medication side effects (e.g., lethargy, decreased appetite); sensory issues as a primary cause or secondary to limited food availability in early development (Beckett et al., 2002; Johnson & Dole, 1999); structural abnormalities (e.g., cleft lip and/or palate and other craniofacial abnormalities, laryngomalacia, tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal atresia, choanal atresia, restrictive tethered oral tissues); educating families of children at risk for pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders; educating other professionals on the needs of children with feeding and swallowing disorders and the role of SLPs in diagnosis and management; conducting a comprehensive assessment, including clinical and instrumental evaluations as appropriate; considering culture as it pertains to food choices/habits, perception of disabilities, and beliefs about intervention (Davis-McFarland, 2008); diagnosing pediatric oral and pharyngeal swallowing disorders (dysphagia); recognizing signs of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) and making appropriate referrals with collaborative treatment as needed; referring the patient to other professionals as needed to rule out other conditions, determine etiology, and facilitate patient access to comprehensive services; recommending a safe swallowing and feeding plan for the individualized family service plan (IFSP), individualized education program (IEP), or 504 plan; educating children and their families to prevent complications related to feeding and swallowing disorders; serving as an integral member of an interdisciplinary feeding and swallowing team; consulting and collaborating with other professionals, family members, caregivers, and others to facilitate program development and to provide supervision, evaluation, and/or expert testimony, as appropriate (see ASHAs resources on, remaining informed of research in the area of pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders while helping to advance the knowledge base related to the nature and treatment of these disorders; and. The clinician requests that the family provide. This method involves stroking or rubbing the anterior faucial pillars with a cold probe prior to having the patient swallow. Postural/position techniques redirect the movement of the bolus in the oral cavity and pharynx and modify pharyngeal dimensions. The tactile and thermal sensitivity, and 2-point . The development of jaw motion for mastication. Anxiety and crying may be expected reactions to any instrumental procedure. Neonatal Network, 32(6), 404408. Additional medical and rehabilitation specialists may be included, depending on the type of facility, the professional expertise needed, and the specific population being served. The electrical stimulation protocol was performed using a modified hand- held battery powered electrical stimulator (vital stim) that consists of a symmetric . 0000000016 00000 n Students who do not qualify for IDEA services and have swallowing and feeding disorders may receive services through the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, under the provision that it substantially limits one or more of lifes major activities. Three groups A, B and C were made, patients were taken through purposive sample technique and groups were . 0000018013 00000 n Examples of maneuvers include the following: Although sometimes referred to as the Masako maneuver, the Masako (or tongue-hold) is considered an exercise, not a maneuver. Referrals may be made to dental professionals for assessment and fitting of these devices. chin downtucking the chin down toward the neck; head rotationturning the head to the weak side to protect the airway; upright positioning90 angle at hips and knees, feet on the floor, with supports as needed; head stabilizationsupported so as to present in a chin-neutral position; reclining positionusing pillow support or a reclined infant seat with trunk and head support; and. Arvedson, J. C., & Brodsky, L. (2002). Oralmotor treatments include stimulation toor actions ofthe lips, jaw, tongue, soft palate, pharynx, larynx, and respiratory muscles. In these articles, we hear from both sides on the controversial use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (e-stim) in dysphagia treatment. The infants oral structures and functions, including palatal integrity, jaw movement, and tongue movements for cupping and compression. Please see Clinical Evaluation: Schools section below for further details. Most NICUs have begun to move away from volume-driven feeding to cue-based feeding (Shaker, 2013a). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA, 2004) protects the rights of students with disabilities, ensures free appropriate public education, and mandates services for students who may have health-related disorders that impact their ability to fully participate in the educational curriculum. This study is aimed to investigate whether thermal oral (tongue) stimulation can modulate the cortico-pharyngeal neural motor pathway in humans. The infants ability to use both compression (positive pressure of the jaw and tongue on the pacifier) and suction (negative pressure created with tongue cupping and jaw movement). cal stimulation combined with thermal-tactile stimulation is a better treatment for patients with swallowing disorders af-ter stroke than thermal-tactile stimulation alone. Long-term follow-up of oropharyngeal dysphagia in children without apparent risk factors. Neonatal Network, 16(5), 4347. The prevalence rises to 14.5% in 11- to 17-year-olds with communication disorders (CDC, 2012). Feeding difficulties in craniofacial microsomia: A systematic review. Taste or temperature of a food may be altered to provide additional sensory input for swallowing., Simpson, C., Schanler, R. J., & Lau, C. (2002). 0000088800 00000 n . 0000063894 00000 n DPNS has been shown to have a large effect on swallow function, quickly improving reflexive cough and improving vocal quality. , J., Silverman, B., Bellant, J. R. ( 2009 ) ( et! Ashas resource on transitioning youth for information about transition planning have JavaScript Enabled on this thermal tactile stimulation protocol... Make physiological changes during the swallowing process training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ) and can be at! 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