Licensed Child Care Centers must have policies in place regarding guidance, positive instruction, supporting positive child behavior, and discipline and consequences. Some of the warning signs of abuse and neglect may include: Recognition and Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect (Mandated Reporter Training) may be completed on the Colorado Shines Professional Development Information System. Children spend the majority of their days in early care and education, and families rely on the professionals who care for their children to also ensure their childrens well-being. Parental History of Adversity and Child Well-being: Insights from Colorado, Risk, Reach, and Resources: An Analysis of Colorados Early Childhood Mental Health Investments. She also has experience as a school nurse consultant for ages pre-K through high school. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call Colorado's Child Abuse and Neglect hotline at 1-844-CO-4-Kids. Colorado Child Care Consultations Training and Consultative Support for your Business With 16+ years of industry experience, Colorado Child Care Consultation knows how to support you and your business. The guidelines are based on research and bring together widely accepted strategies to help children develop successfully. Level 1: Your program is currently licensed with the State of Colorado. The Universal Preschool (UPK) Colorado family application portal is open! This document provides guidance for school nurses inthe K-12 setting and for Child Ca re Health Consultants in the child care setting, including preschools, unless otherwise written in state rules. Parents and other caregivers play an important role in building children's social-emotional skills such as making friends, caring for others, managing emotions, and resolving conflict peacefully. Levels 3-5: Your program is licensed, in good standing, and: Has completed all of requirements listed in Level 2, Has been assessed and rated by a Colorado Shines Quality Ratings Assessor, Strengthening the skills and knowledge base of Early Childhood professionals working with infants and toddlers, Building capacity and promoting systemic change to foster increased quality and availability of care and services, Supporting leadership and collaboration at the community level, Facilitating professional development for infant toddler professionals, particularly those who are teaching or coaching infant toddler teachers. Applications can be completed, submitted, and paid for online in the, Legal Exemption from Child Care Licensing, Colorado Shines Professional Development and Information System, Recognition and Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect (Mandated Reporter Training), Injury Prevention - Falls: What Every Child Care Provider Should Know, Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants, Building and physical premises safety, including identification of and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury such as electrical hazards, bodies of water and vehicular traffic, Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental consent, Emergency preparedness and response planning for emergencies resulting from a natural disaster, or a man-caused event (such as violence at a child care facility), First aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of bio contaminants, Prevention and control of infectious diseases, including immunization, Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions, Prevention of shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma, Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and use of safe sleeping practices. Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations for the leadership team, it is vital that we remain responsive to the needs of the ECMHC workforce, and your engagement is of the utmostimportance. After access granted, the school nurse can log in to acccess the faciliator guide, materials, forms, and resources. Click on the QI Incentives on the Quality Improvement page of your program profile to learn more about the Early Childhood Council and quality improvement supports available to you. **Membership is Confirmed. Care coordinators are trained to work with families to address their behavioral, developmental, educational, financial, medical or social needs. Healthy Child Care Colorado2246 Irving StreetDenver, CO 80211, Healthy Child Care Colorado is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation, Since 2021, Healthy Child Care Colorado has served as. Click on the new Licensing Tile to access all licensing forms, applications, and the Trails background check applications. Mental health consultation is not about fixing kids. Nor is it therapy. Healthy Child Care Colorado (HCCC) is launching the Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC) State Leadership Team (SLT), a collaborative team that includes both implementation and practice as well as policy and systems perspectives from across the state. Access ECMH outreach materials and a social media toolkit Building Blocks Nurse Consulting provides health-related consulting services to Colorado's Northern Front Range child care centers, preschools, family home care programs, camps and schools. Healthy Child Care Colorado (HCCC) trains, supports and educates child care health consultants, child care providers and parents on medication administration, healthy lifestyles, oral health, injury prevention, and social emotional health. Very professional and to the point. Anyone witnessing a child in a life-threatening situation should call 911 immediately. Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC) is a prevention-based approach that pairs a mental health consultant with adults who work with infants and young children in the different settings where they learn and grow, such as child care, preschool, home visiting, early intervention and their home. Copyright 2022 Colorado CPR & Safety Professionals. Prefer to pay via check? Child Care Health Consultant Ceritificate Download Certificate Bryan C. Maki, RN Diploma Download Diploma Immunization Certificate Annual Training 1/26/23 Download Certificate Child Abuse Neglect Certificate 2022-2025 Download Certificate Child Care Consultant State Requirements Download Information Why Choose Us for your Nurse Consultant? We work on the local, state, and national levels to strengthen awareness and support for this unique and critical role. Approved CPR & Basic First Aid Training Instructors through the American Safety Health Institute ( Please review the attached document that details state public health and local public health's role in COVID-19 . health care (including primary and specialty care) Child Health Connection provides Child Care Health Consulting (also known as Nurse Consulting) services to all Child Care organizations. The use of "school" in Colorado Shines is a quality rating and improvement system for all of Colorados licensed early learning programs serving children birth to 5. National Centers: The following link offers resources . Our experience includes pediatrics, school nursing, and maternal/child health care. Please visit our RESOURCES for additional information on Injury Reporting. 2019 by Healthy Start Child Care Health Consulting, LLC. Child Care Health Consultant Qualifications A CCHC must hold a current Colorado license as a registered nurse, pediatric nurse practitioner, family nurse practitioner, or pediatrician with knowledge and experience in maternal and child health. The primary goal of the EQ Initiative is to increase the quality and availability of responsive care for infants and toddlers throughout Colorado by: One key element of the EQ Initiative is offering the Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care (EQIT) training course to providers. Find aCommunity Centered Boardin your area. CCHCs are health professionals who provide expert guidance and technical assistance on a wide range of health and safety topics. The Early Childhood Mental Health Support Line connects you to an experienced consultant who can discuss your needs, help you identify support resources, and refer you to a team in your area. Other injuries not requiring medical attention can be documented using the Accident/Injury Report Form developed by each facility. Child care providers must ensure that parents are notified of ALL injury or accident reports. Contact your licensing specialist for questions or assistance completing a report or refer to the following resources: Falls are the number one cause of injury requiring medical care in child care facilities. Early learning programs are rated through Colorado Shines on a scale of one to five, one qualifying as a basic program, and five qualifying as an exceptional program: What is a Colorado Shines Quality Ratings Assessor? State Leadership Team Named for ECMHC Network Hub. 710 S. Ash St., Denver, CO 80246, Universal Preschool (UPK) Colorado InformationChild Care Licensing Information, Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) Information for Families, Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) Information for Providers, Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation, Colorado Early Childhood Mental Health Support Line. Please speak with your director or licensing specialist, or call the Child Care and Licensing Administration Unit at 303.866.5948. We have created two online tools to support your program through the quality journey. With this information in mind, the Office of Early Childhood developed a resource,Injury Prevention - Falls: What Every Child Care Provider Should Knowto provide child care programs with tips and other information regarding how to prevent and minimize the amount of falls that occur in child care environments. The ECMHC Network Hub has been developed in partnership with the Colorado Department of Early Childhood, philanthropic partners, as well as an Advisory Team. Anyone witnessing a child in a life-threatening situation should call 911 immediately. Child care health consultants (CCHCs) work with child care centers, home-based providers and preschools to promote safe and healthy learning environments for young children and staff. He made the class fun and enjoyable. Click on "Join the CCHC Hub" to register. Check outColorado's Early Learning and Development Guidelinesto learn about the path of children's learning and development from birth to eight. Create and maintain a socially and emotionally respectful early learning and care environment. These programs include: Learn more about Healthy Child Care Colorado. If a provider is unable to access the online system, you must use the paper form and submit the form to the Division of Early Learning and Licensing Administration (DELLA) within 24 hours of the incident. We are a company committed to remaining respected in Early Childhood Education and have created our own set of recommendations, procedures, and health trainings which adhere to the regulations and guidelines set forth by leaders in the industry. Level 2: Your program is licensed, in good standing, and: Has finished the L2 Quality Indicator Program Assessment, Has registered staff in the Colorado Shines Professional Development Information System (PDIS), Has completed the required number of E-Learning course hours for Level 2. To avoid a Service fee during registration, fill out this registration form and mail a check. Get more info here. Child care providers are required to complete the Online Injury Report within 24 hours of an incident. In addition, having a center garden can also earn points towards the Colorado Shines rating under the Child Health Section. Learn aboutEarly Intervention Colorado(ages 0-3) and how it can help families learn ways to support and promote their childs development. 303-709-3127 Cell NBK Consulting, L.L.C. Email, 2023 by Colorado Child Care Consultations. The school nurse registers on the Healthy Child Care Colorado website to access Medication Administration Training course materials. We are a Colorado Springs based Registered Nurse (RN) consulting group. The goal of the program is to help adults support children's social . Find a Head Start job near you or anywhere in the U.S. Child Care Health Consultation: Building Consultation Skills, Child Care Health Consultant Competencies, Making Early Care and Education Programs Healthier and Safer, Partner with a CCHC to Improve Health and Safety, Recommendations for Designing a State CCHC Registry, Child Care Health Consultation Webinar Series. The school nurse must register to access the materials. These programs include: Support for Child Care Health Consultants (CCHC), such as Medication Administration Train the Trainer, Competencies for CCHC, and resources; They are designed so that everyone who cares for young children can play an important part in giving Colorado's children a strong start. Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants (ECMHCs)develop relationships with the adults and caregivers in young childrens lives to build adults capacity and skills to strengthen and support the healthy social and emotional development of children. The resources in this section help CCHCs as they work with ECE programs to plan, implement, improve, and evaluate health and safety practices. Copyright 2021 Child Health Connection. A Quality Ratings Assessor will evaluate ratings at levels three through five and offer points within five categories: workforce qualifications, family partnerships, administration, learning environment, and child health. These policies must identify how the Child Care Center will: Access an early childhood mental health consultant or other specialist, as needed. Call: 1-800-799-5876 Fax: 303-866-4453 Email: Child Resources Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline: 844-264-5437 Child Care Complaints: 303-866-5958 Child Care Resource and Referral Hotline: 877-338-2273 Early Childhood Mental Health: (833)-ECMH411 Early Intervention Colorado: 1-888-777-4041 Contact the Colorado Shines Help Desk at 844-447-4441 or Health consultants offer the legally required transfer of authority, known as delegation, so trained early childhood staff may administer medications and implement special health care procedures for children in their program. Longmont, Colorado Services Nancy Kadlec, RN, BSN Registered Nurse Working with Schools and Child Care Centers since 2005 Contact Experience Monthly Consultation Health Plans Classes/Training Employee Physicals NBK Consulting, LLC Child Care Health Consultant Home Services Contact There are approximately 1,000 Child Care Health Consultants in Colorado. Child Health Connection provides Child Care Health Consulting (also known as Nurse Consulting) services to all Child Care organizations. Quality funds are allocated based on program type (center/home), number of classrooms, and program quality level. Access an early childhood mental health consultant or other specialist, as needed. Medication Administration Part 1 must be completed through Colorado Shines. Update on COVID-19. Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety, Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center, Head Start Collaboration Offices and State Systems, Exploring the Head Start Program Performance Standards. The support line can help you to better understand and support the wellbeing of the young children in your care, including children who may currently be struggling. We offer Medication Administration Part 2 through a virtual (ZOOM) training. Proudly created with Always a delight to take Bryan's classes. Any unpaid difference must be paid prior to receiving a certificate of completion. Our Nurses provide child care health consulting to licensed child care centers, preschools, camps, and school-age programs in Colorado. What is Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation? The ECMHCNetwork Hubis being built upon astrong foundation of work done throughout our state and nationally. The Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care (EQ) Initiative is a collaborative effort between the Colorado Department of Education and the Colorado Department of Early Childhood. Examples include unexplained injuries, injuries that were not observed by an adult, an infant receiving the incorrect breast milk, near drowning, or burns. How does it work? Every child has mental health even babies! Approved vendor with the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) for CPR & Basic First Aid, Standard Precautions. As a result, the guidelines are aligned with and help connect existing programs to create a coordinated approach to learning and development. Healthy Child Care Colorado makes sure that early childhood programs have the resources and skills they need to promote health and safety in their child care centers. For assistance in finding quality child care, call the Colorado Shines Child Care Referral Line at Mile High United Way at 877-338-2273 (CARE). If you suspect child abuse or neglect, callColorado's Child Abuse and Neglect hotlineat 1-844-CO-4-Kids. This includes program level support from Quality Improvement Navigators and Coaches. Bryan makes this so easy! Licensed Child Care Centers must have policies in place regarding guidance, positive instruction, supporting positive child behavior, and discipline and consequences. Parents and other caregivers play an important role in building children's social-emotional skills such as making friends, caring for others, managing emotions, and resolving conflict peacefully. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to our, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update March 13, 2020, Newsletter April 2020 Resources & Guidance. Amanda V, Teacher Bryan makes this so easy! We enforce the regulations in Clear Creek, Jackson, Moffat, Park, Pitkin, Ouray and Rio Blanco counties. Increase your ability to support healthy social-emotional development, Identify and address mental health and developmental issues early, Decrease child behaviors you find challenging, Promote a warm and responsive care environment, Access ECMH outreach materials and a social media toolkit at, Early Childhood Suspensions and Expulsion in Colorado: Learn more and view the infographics and handouts on the Department of Early Childhood website under the, Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers, Legal Exemption from Child Care Licensing, County Departments of Human/Social Services, Strengthening Colorado Families and Communities, Colorado Early Childhood Family Engagement Framework, Telehealth, Teleconsultation and Virtual Coaching, Colorado's Early Learning and Development Guidelines, Promoting Stable and Responsive Early Care Settings, Suspensions & Expulsions in Preschool FAQ, Addressing Harsh Discipline and Disparities, The Right Mix to Support Social-Emotional Health in Early Childhood, Parental History of Adversity and Child Well-being, Colorado's Child Abuse and Neglect hotline, Universal Preschool (UPK) Colorado Information. All licensed child care providers are mandated reporters of suspected or known child abuse or neglect. Kim Strenge, MPH, BSN, RN has been providing nursing services in the early childhood community since 2007. We serve Colorado licensed childcare programs, kids camps, before-and-after school programs, and private schools in the the Pikes Peak area. Email me at:, 2023 by Colorado Child Care Consultations. These guidelines are incorporated across all early learning system elements. View the list of contacts to find a course in your community. If you care for young children, we can help. Email so we can see if we can meet your need! CCHCs play a unique and critical role in supporting the health, safety, and wellness of children in early childhood settings. Healthy Child Care Colorado / Child Care Health Consultant (CCHC) information CDPHE Child Care Rules and Regulations Governing the Health and Sanitation of Child Care Facilities (Exiting CDE) Infectious Disease in Child Care and Schools Guidelines (CDPHE) National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education (Exiting CDE) Monthly visits and on-going child care health consultation services. Improve childrens social skills and emotional functioning, Reduce the number of suspensions and expulsions, Reduce provider stress, burnout, and turnover. CCHCs collaborate with directors, teachers, and family child care providers to help them comply with regulations, standards, and promote best practices to ensure childrens safe and healthy development. I will definitely take more classes with him in the future! Healthy Child Care Colorado (HCCC) is launching the Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC) State Leadership Team (SLT), a collaborative team that includes both implementation and practice as well as policy and systems perspectives from across the state. Provide individualized social and emotional intervention supports for children who need them, including methods for understanding child behavior and developing, adopting, and implementing a team-based positive behavior support plan with the intent to reduce challenging behavior and prevent suspensions and expulsions. . Helping parents and other caregivers support the wellbeing of young children. Licensed Child Care Centers must have policies in place regarding guidance, positive instruction, supporting positive child behavior, and discipline and consequences. Please see the documents listed below for the most common forms and resources needed in the child care and school settings. CDESuspensions & Expulsions in Preschool FAQ. Call 1-844-493-8255 or text TALK to 38255. Healthy Child Care Colorado makes sure that early childhood programs have the resources and skills they need to promote health and safety in their child care centers. I've done all my CPR, first aid, and Medication Administration classes through his company, and he makes it so easy to understand the material, and get my questions answered. Our goal is to promote the safest and healthiest environment for you, your staff, and your children. We offer three types of membership for consultative roles in early childhood. Helping children to develop these skills promotes their healthy development and reduces behaviors adults find challenging.If you care for young children, we can help. Complete a medical history statement online & receive your Medical-Physical statement within 24 hours after your precautionary appointment. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contactJason Gold. In some cases, the local Child Protective Services office should be notified when an injury occurs. Bipartisan Policy CentersAddressing Harsh Discipline and Disparitiesto learn more. Training and Consultative Support for your Business, Our October Class is ALMOST FULL. Care coordination is a person-and-family-centered team approach designed to meet the needs of individuals. Other Credentials and Roles (Trainer, Coach, Child Care Health Consultant) Give the early childhood program documentation of their currentmedical or nursing license, biography, and training certificates. Cultivate positive child, staff and family relationships. The State Leadership Team guides and informs the development and execution of the ECMHC Network HubsFoundations and Implementation Plan. Health Services Director / Child Care Health Consultant Fort Collins, Colorado, United States 68 followers 68 connections Join to connect Child Health Connection Regis University. Child Care Resource and Referral agencies work to connect you with quality early learning programs, like child care and preschool, valuable local resources, and tips for choosing a child care facility. All licensed child care centers and preschools in Colorado are required to have a minimum of one monthly visit with a child care health consultant (CCHC) a medical professional who assists the program in meeting and exceeding basic health and safety standards. Early Childhood Councils support the local delivery supports for the Colorado Shines Quality Rating and Improvement System by helping programs to increase or maintain quality through the implementation of quality improvement programs. If you are interested in learning more, please look at these resources. Early Childhood Suspensions and Expulsion in Colorado: Learn more and view the infographics and handouts on the Department of Early Childhood website under thePromoting Stable and Responsive Early Care Settingstab. School health & safety regulations We establish and enforce sanitary standards for child care facilities. Programs can apply to be evaluated for quality ratingsand receive supportregardless of educational philosophy, and can improve quality at a pace that works for each program.. The Colorado Shines Quality Rating and Improvement System honors those programs that choose accreditation for meeting their quality goals. You can also contact the Colorado Shines Help Desk at Child care health consultants ( CCHCs) support the health, safety, and wellness of young children, families, and staff in early care and education ( ECE) settings. Our Child Care Health Consultants are approved by Healthy Child Care Colorado. Online course + In-Person skills training, 'All live' courses at your school or business. Christine has been a Child Care Health Consultant since 2017 and joined Child Health Connection in 2020 as a consultant and the Health Services Director. She also has experience as a school nurse consultant for ages pre-K through high school. The Division of Early Care and Learning is responsible for the administration of health and safetyrules and requirementsfor licensed child care facilities. 1-800-799-5876 The Department monitors programs for compliance with all rules and regulations at each licensing inspection. The Division of Early Learning and Licensing and Administration (DELLA) requires licensed Child care providers to complete a report when a child in care has received emergency medical attention, has been hospitalized or if there has been a fatality.To begin this form, the program will be directed to the Provider Hub. In Colorado, all child care centers are required to have a Child Care Health Consultant. Since 2001, Healthy Child Care Colorado has served as the state network hub for Child Care Health Consultation in Colorado by offering ongoing support, training, and resources for those medical professionals working in early childhood programs. The ECMHC Network Hub Foundations serve as our guiding document and includes our purpose, DEI commitment, guiding principles, desired outcomes, and core functions. Types of membership for consultative roles in early childhood ( CDEC ) for CPR & First... Learn aboutEarly Intervention Colorado ( ages 0-3 ) and how it can help families ways! Me at: cochildcareconsultations @, 2023 by Colorado Child Care health or. Park, Pitkin, Ouray and Rio Blanco counties Child Protective services office be! A Service fee during registration, fill out this registration Form and mail check. Your school or Business @, 2023 by Colorado Child Care health Consulting LLC! 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