especially an experienced one. Blood under glass & vacuum. I hope that prosecutor rots in hell for focusing in on the mother. I dont know if she did it or if she didnt, people commit crimes everyday without leaving evidence. Your daughter also tried to smother Drake the day before she murdered Devon and Damon. Lol. She had a very experienced and competent defense team, was found guilty by a jury, had appeals, and is now awaiting execution. What hung her was when her mother and husband went behind her back and hired Doug Mulder under the condition he not implicate Darin in the crime. Robbie suddenly remembered 5 years after Darlie was sentenced to death and told Darlie Kee, just in time for Darlie Lynns appeal. As far as the silly string video, no one saw the crying and praying that happened before that. She also confirmed another insurance scam three years prior, when Darin arranged to have his old white Jaguar stolen and hidden at a farm in Oklahoma. So what a sock was found up the road from their home, she planted it there. I mean anyone who cant see what a narcissist this clown is truly is blind. Im aware people are entitled to make a comment, but please get the facts correct & if you dont know what they are & have nothing as solid proof, then say nothing at all, thats why chinese whispers occur & things are added & changed about. Im a normal person that loves his kids. Why has she been protecting and covering for him all these years? Thankfully we have now a great sheriff, chief of police and mayor who are realizing that are system is flawed. If the jury had been told the truth about Darin and shown all the evidence against him she would not be sitting on death row today. The Bible says so. Definitely knew they were racist also because they pulled a black friend of mine over there and said totally inappropriate things. Thats all. One of the things that really angered me was that stupid juror who finally decided that Darlie was guilty because she had breast implants and nice jewellery!!! It will be Darin Routier on trial. Why are you attacking each other like a bunch of rabid, unsocialized bullies. U dont have a clue!!! The IP took the Avery case in 1985 and freed him of that wrongful conviction. They were murdered by their mother! There is NO doubt Avery killed Teresa. No innocent women would say that!! Your comment was 2 yrs ago. After the birth of their third one, Drake, Darlie began to suffer from post-partum depression. Detective Jimmy Patterson made sure Darin was never investigated because he knew his criminal son would have also been implicated in that crime. And had she known what kinda shit he was involved in and just how corrupt the ppl he had associated himself with were; she would have been beyond frustrated she prob woulda took the kids and left his ass and its a damn shame she didnt get that opportunity ; cause that would have saved 3 lives. This was a 27 year old woman with the world starting to fall in, she just would rather leave than deal but there could be no way her two sons on the floor would be able to go on without her, so she took them; then decided she just couldnt go through the act on herself. She deserves a new trial. Very unprofessional conduct, with some reasonable doubt springing to mind. A true narcissist. I remember when this was first aired on the news & they included crime scene pictures showing that someone had tried to clean up the crime scene. Her husband set up a home invasion to fraud the insurance company. First, one must consider and respect that just because a defendant is convicted of a heinous murder, does not make a mother guilty of killing her children in such a heinous fashion. Regardless the evidence will tell the truth and justice will prevail. Darlie did not inflict those wounds on herself. Just to mention one BIG one, talk about the sock found so far outside. Youre. If the hurry knew that Darin left that house right after Waddell arrived they would have realized it wasnt Darlie who lost or planted the sock in the alley. Were you present at these murders? There was no intruder in that home so that left only one other person in that house with out an alibi. scene Sadly the Dallas prosecutor behaved as if he didnt want to find another possible murderer Im sitting here wondering why in Gods name did those detectives plead the 5th on the witness stand. Where is all this proof. Her last story just gets more desperate. Oh yeah, lets not forget that Allison hadnt even been in that house since January of 1995a full year and a half before the murders. Money, property, a beautiful wife who doesnt look anywhere near her age. She will never atone for killing those little boys because she doesnt have the imagination for reality. It is such a sad system when Lady Justice is not blind nor deaf to all the information they saw or read that was not presented during the trial. So please explain what forensic evidence they didnt have dna evidence back then but they do now. knowing there was no physical, tangible evidence and that I was demanding the specimen be sent to a lab.dismissed my case. Watch the show on Friday and this time look at the evidence as if its your daughter in prison!! I was told that 20/20 will mostly be using footage from last summers ABC docu-series The Last Defense, in which Routiers case was spotlighted in four one-hour weekly episodes. Why isnt Darlie Kee being audited? I hope she has Freedom sooner more so than later. Doing what he did to those kids and what he tried to do to their mom tells you this is a depraved and tortured soul. From my perspective, I saw a woman without a drop of makeup on her pale face. Did Robbie and Darin suddenly remember this right in time for the appeal? I have a very hard time believing a 26 year old could slice her own neck,stab the dorsal side of her forearm to the bone,and hit herself hard enough to bruise the entire length of her forearm.I believe she got railroaded by male chauvinist judge and prosecutors,and hired an uninterested incompetent defense attorney. That comment sucked. Up to she did it!! How many black cars can there be in Texas? I have never thought for once that she was guilty. Darlie Routier takes witness stand in trial for son's murder: Part 9 She later admitted that her questioning by prosecutors did not go well. Simply reading the transcripts of the trial will tell you that she never received a fair trial. Both arms bruised on the underside. Finally!!!!! She never offered Darlie any help on how to save her boys in the entire 5 minutes and 44 seconds that monster was on the phone with her. There is zero evidence; or eye witnesses of close friends and family and neighbors to support the claim the prosecution made that she didnt want her kids anymore because she was selfish and wanted the money. You comment about the distance as if she couldnt have done it prior to cutting her own throat. That right there is that tribalism and hate that keeps the world fucked up. If there is even a chance someone is innocent they should look further into it. They did not say Darin was innocent just not enought evidence to prove he was involved. It is clearly evident, with her glamour shots from Death Row. Ive long openly opposed this unfounded reason for a parent to murder their child when it has nothing to do with also having judgment of a woman because she may be different from you or me. Its a sad time when we are more than willing to lash out to someone online but they are quiet in person. There is no way those boys blood got on the back of her shirt unless she did it. There have been so many exaggerations, embellishments, and half-truths from well-meaning supporters over the years but its not necessary. Car accident. The birthday by the grace was a celebration of his life. Even Darlies investigator couldnt corroborate it. Im saying we need to be damn sure. They need to investigate the husband. If not, great, lets find out who did. I cant wait until that print comes back as Darlies print. Possibly over money ? Maureen The appeals court rejected the insurance scam nonsense because there was no corroborating evidence outside of Darin and Robbie Kees imagination. Darlie was a beautiful, popular cheerleader, who was born on January 4, 1970, in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Why was the Routier family going to PA, aside from Darlie having family there? Although theyve stated the boys loved silly string, the manner in which they died and with the killer still out there as they put it, just odd but their choice.Her ex husband has said some very bizarre things. They do. Tell the whole story Ms Cruz. oh please. I think hes watched too many CSI reruns and thinks he has a degree now. If this was a random stranger out to kill this mom & sons(why?) They never investigated Darin and he should have been their first and only suspect. Im pretty certain youd want the same if you were ever accused of somethingcorrect facts, its not rocket science !! Of course, if 85-J is run through the national database and a match pops up or if DNA tests pass the high bar of proving the presence of a man in the Routier home that night who had no business being there, there might not be another trial at all. Remember when you could actually read the comment section without all of the hate, bigotry, racism and biased political nonsense (example from this page, Liberal baby killers, are you serious??)? Why does everyone talk about this one bloody sock. I know that Darlie is innocent and Texas obviously must have their doubts or they would of killed her a long time ago. Would have been smarter for her to plead some sort of insanity defenseshe probably would have been out now. Thats what she told them on the show I saw. There is over whelming evidence against him, yet the jury never saw any of it. That was not a self inflicted wound. But the faucet handles at the sink had no visible blood on them. And isbwasnt the coward upstairs. All we had to go on was what the media was reporting. It is bad enough you lose them, but one way of coping is to at least NOT lose those moments. If you are so sure. And if your going to put my name in your type at least spell it right! A certain You-Tuber uploaded an hour long chat with Ms. Jovell a few years back, and I heard her say with my own two ears that there was indeed a burglary that was supposed to take place while the Routiers were in PA. As a matter of fact, she stated that Darin wanted her to be the one to discover the burglary and call the cops when she came to feed the animals and water the plants, etc. I believe her husband committed the crime. Actually, the Innocence Project helped to free Steven Avery for the rape he did not commit. This case makes me so angry. The fact that she had breast implants should have never been brought up in trial but it was .You know someone is getting railroaded when a juror is making snide comments about the defendants breast implants. Why or how did his bloody jeans disappear? And for the record, he didnt actually go out the utility room through the garage. Ass means donkey not buttocks. Another interesting fact, the knife at the scene had blood from only one of the boys. The TV presentation on channel 7 sucked. Old case same old bullshit no new developments. Absolutely not superficial cuts !! Havent seen Miranda around in awhile but I hope its true what she says about you loons needing crisis therapy when Darlies execution date is handed down. Tick Tock for Darin. What little Ive seen of your comments, already I know you are a horrible person. Sally, that sink was not clean at all; there was blood clearly visible on and around it. I agree completely, the prosecuting attorney office made a mess of the whole thing. Darlie Routier is right where she belongs. What makes you people think that this couldnt happen to your kid because lets face it, thanks to the reign of terror, just about every Texan family has been touched by the TDCJ system. She has also been charged with capital murder in the death of her six-year-old son, Devon, who was murdered at the same time as Damon. Hope every cemetery refuses her carcass. And still no license plate #. Lynda Im not the one supporting a baby killer. We all know if weve been a true crime junkie that burglars become murderers really fast when they realize that the residents are actually at home when they counted on the house being empty. In River Oaks where I live, if you breathe wrong, people get nervous. Would she be blamed for the murders in that situation ? SUCH LAZY ASS DETECTIVE WORK !!! I say this because I saw the birthday party on the news. There is always the chance that miracles do occur, stars align, and, like Archie Williams, Routier might simply come home. You loons have lied, harassed, bullied, and screwed with so many people and their lives because that bitch chopped up her children and you want her to get away with it. If so, Cooper isnt saying. The 911 call was also not completely shown and the idea that she was setting herself up is completely false when you listen to the whole transcript not to mention investigators never took prints of the boys when they got there which is illegal procedure. the 911 tapes and then talk he he he with the investigators? This was set up well in advance but somebody effed up. Simpson stabbed Ron Goldman to death many times. lies every case against the prosecution. So whats your DEA registration number, DOC? How dare you expect others to believe the exact way you do! She was railroaded because she was different than the rest of the fine upstanding ladies of the community with broomsticks stuck you know where! Take a good look at the crime scene photos of the sink and tell me that if it was your sink, youd consider that clean. The brutal era of Dallas County District Attorney Henry Wade spanned from 1951 to 1987, overlapping with James Crons career at the Dallas County Sheriffs Office. She is deceased, but was traumatized by this event and left her job.Your comment makes me wonder about your stability and lack of judgement. Darlie Routier, 48, shared her account of what happened when her two sons, five and six, were stabbed to death in 1996 in a new documentary The two-hour 20/20 program is set to air on Friday Jodi Arias innocent, Intruders, admitted but self defense claim Lets face i some of you did commit crimes in your past. Bawahaha. She was not at the foot of the stairs when Darin appeared. darlie routier dna results 2021. .. lol. Oh and for whoever called her white trash, I would rather be white trash than human trash. Of all the nights for Darlie to be sleeping downstairs with the 2 young boys & her husband & infant son are upstairs. Where on earth does superficial cuts to her arm needing stitches & her throat only being 2 millimetres away from her jugular vein warrant a comment like that ?? I think her husband knows she done this but he cant admit it. I hate to see a innocent woman in jail and vice versa, I wouldnt want to see a child killer walking the streets. Most men in Texas death row are executed in under 10 years anf shes been there for 23 years. Blood on front of couch cleaned up What do some of you idiots think that every criminal is just dying to get caught. Darlie Routier - Part 1. Guess again. Something for the media to talk about after this covid 19 crap. Not once have I ever seen a murder beat the hell out of herself, cut their throat to the point of killing herself,(remember 2mm) she would have died herself, the defensive wounds on her forearm. Grow up kiddo. I think she got very angryperhaps awakened by one of the boys in the middle of the night snapped decided to do something she wrote in her diary that she was contemplating for weeks. Have you seen the footage of the graveside birthday party? We dont know all the facts of this case but in reading through some of the affidavits and looking at the evidence, I believe an innocent women is sitting on death row. Texas criminal court of appeals followed the good ol boys recommendations,still yet good will prevail. It is a miracle she is still sane at all. Details would have a slight variation to what was originally said. You open yourself up to a HUGE potential shit storm of danger when you go traveling down the roads he was walking down. Of police and mayor who are realizing that are system is flawed she did it or if did! See what a sock was found up the road from their home, she planted there! Of couch cleaned up what do some of you idiots think that every criminal is just dying to get.... 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