Schools must follow the NYS Department of Health (DOH) guidance for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Nassau County Health Department Contact Information Address and Phone Number for Nassau County Health Department, a Health Department, at Main Street, Hempstead NY. nassau county department of health release from quarantine sonic healthcare usa jobs marzo 19, 2022. ingham county fairgrounds horse show 1:45 pm 1:45 pm As a reminder, close contacts are those individuals who have been within six feet . I understand that the letter will reference COVID-19, and contain personally identifiable information as that is defined under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The Nassau County Board of Health issues fines for violations of the New York Public Health Law, New York State Sanitary Code, Nassau County Public Health Ordinance, New York State Environmental Conservation Law (Petroleum Bulk Storage) and Nassau County Local Laws administered and enforced by the Nassau County Department of Health. 20-87 ordering suspension of vacation rental properties. In Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code 264), the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of communicable diseases from . 2020-165 extending the local State of Emergency., September 24, 2020: Board approves Executive Order #23 strongly encouraging use of face masks. It has been at least three days since the individuals symptoms improved, including cough and shortness of breath. Rescinded August 10, 2020 by Executive Order 21.March 24, 2020: Governor issues Executive Order No. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. September 10, 2020: Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations issue Executive Order 2020-10 allowing Florida bars to reopen at 50% capacity. June 10, 2020: Board of County Commissioners approve Resolution No. New York State has also given local health departments the ability to suspend contact tracing. 2021-033 extending the local State of Emergency. No parents or other students will be informed of names or identifying information. This is how we stop the spread! , April 1, 2020: Governor issues Executive Order No. They have a healthcare provider written note stating they are clear to return to school/work. (850) 245-4111. Current testing sites available in Nassau County and throughout New York State can be accessed by going to To Extend Isolation or Quarantine Period - WAC 246-100-040 (5) (6) Both the Local Health Officer Order and Court Order described above are valid for a maximum of ten days quarantine. August 5, 2020: Board approves Resolution No. We are here to serve the community. Video Link Here, March 27, 2020: Governor issues Executive Order No. March 1, 2021: Governor issued Executive Order No. Petroleum Bulk Storage (NCPHO, Article XV). . If possible, stay away from people you live with, especially people who are at higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19. Clinical and Nutrition Services. Recreational Aquatic Spray Grounds Safety Plan. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GREGSON H. PIGOTT, MD, MPH Commissioner OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER 3500 Sunrise Highway, Ste. Nassau County Coronavirus Hotline: 516-227-9570. March 23, 2020: Governor issues Executive Order No. Servicios de Apoyo para las Comunidades Inmigrantes ahora y despus del coronavirus (English & Spanish Services Available): 516-546-0357 , Lunes - Sbado de 8:00am - 7:00pm. At least 10 days after the individual first had symptoms; AND
45377 N. Mickler St.Callahan, FL 32011. The New York State Department of Health is following the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) isolation and precautions for people with COVID-19 guidance, which provides information to those who tested positive. 7, 1914 to April 18, 1917) MyHeritage Climax-Madisonian (The), 1914-1915, 1917 Kentucky Kevin, Sarah (parents) and Grace (daughter age 12) Hendrix of Corbin Kentucky were shot and killed by Jason Hendrix, their son and Grace's brother. If you were exposed to COVID-19, follow these CDC precautions. January 4, 2021: Board approves Resolution No. With a signed note from the HCP explaining an alternate diagnosis of a known chronic condition with unchanged symptoms or a confirmed acute illness (e.g., laboratory-confirmed influenza, strep-throat) AND that COVID-19 is not suspected. , April 16, 2020: Governor issues Executive Order 20-104, for temporary action related to Unemployment Compensation. 2021-040 extending local State of Emergency. Its not a matter of if, but when disaster strikes! FeesThere is a 25-cent, per-page fee for copying most records and copies of medical records cost 75 cents per-page. 2020-175 extending local State of Emergency. June 12, 2020: County Attorney issues Executive Order No. Please answer the phone so we can keep NY moving forward and stop the spread of COVID-19, In cooperation with the School District Medical Director, School Nurse, and the COVID-19 Safety Coordinator (Administrator) individuals exhibiting symptoms of Coronavirus will be referred to their personal physician for determination of appropriate treatment and the need to be tested. It will be implemented in coordination with New Jersey and Connecticut. You isolate in order to prevent spreading the virus to others. 4 adding isolation and quarantine requirements for individuals from Louisiana and adding additional lodging establishments for guest tracking. The remaining 25 percent, totaling $16,429,484 for FY 2023, is funded by New York state. Schools must follow CDC guidance for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.If a person is not diagnosed by a healthcare provider with COVID-19 they can return to school: Once there is no fever, without the use of fever reducing medicines, and they have felt well for 24 hours; If they have been diagnosed with another condition and has a healthcare provider written note stating they are clear to return to school. The Tracer will work with you to identify and reach out via phone and text to anyone youve been in contact with while you were infectious to trace and contain the spread of the virus. 12 to no longer require reporting of individuals from states other than the NY Tri State area or Louisiana. The mission is accomplished through direct services and community partnerships in the following areas: Development and maintenance of individual and community preparedness for public health hazards and events. Vital Records has death records (since 1881) for all of New York State except New York City. First Name: * Last Name: * Address 1: * Address 2: City: * Quarantine if you have been in close contact (within 6 feet of someone for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period) with someone who has COVID-19, unless you have been fully vaccinated. These options are adapted from the CDC's updates released last Wednesday. emergency department just to seek COVID-19 testing. Rodent Free Certification Before Demolition, Toxic & Hazardous Material Storage Facilities (NCPHO, Article XI). 21-46, extending Executive Order No. 2021-050 extending the local State of Emergency. 2020-158 extending local State of Emergency.September 16, 2020: Board approves Resolution No. People who are in isolation should stay home until its safe for them to be around others. January 25, 2021: Board approves Resolution No. Ideally, close contacts to cases of COVID-19 may return after completing a 14 day quarantine from the date of last exposure to the case. Testing, medical and quarantine support for yourself and your loved ones will be arranged. Racing heart or pressure/pain in the chest that does not go away. o Individuals must continue daily symptom monitoring through day 14; New York State Department of Health Created Date: 1/6/2022 1:56:01 PM . 7 Regin. , October 7, 2020: Board approves Resolution No. If a student/staff has a fever of 100F or greater, they should be isolated from others and sent home immediately. April 30, 2020: CountyAttorney issues Executive Order No. If a person is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a healthcare provider based on a test or their symptoms or does not get a COVID-19 test but has had symptoms, they should not be at school and should stay at home until: Interim Guidance for Quarantine Restrictions on Travelers Arriving
That relationship has been further developed and enhanced as we responded to COVID-19. In cooperation with the School District Medical Director, School Nurse, and the COVID-19 Safety Coordinator (Administrator) individuals exhibiting symptoms of Coronavirus will be referred to their personal physician for determination of appropriate treatment and the need to be tested. Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, such as offices, classrooms, bathrooms, and common areas.The areas can be reopened for use once they have been appropriately cleaned and disinfected. (Rescinded by Executive Order 23 adopted September 24, 2020), July 1, 2020: Board of County Commissioners approve Resolution No. . These symptoms will NOT all be present, and people may only have a combination of 1-3 of the above symptoms. From staying active to learning new recipes and boosting your nutritional intake, the Florida Department of Health works to educate Floridians on ways to improve habits and overall health. June 3, 2020: County Attorney issues Executive Order No. March 1, 2021: Board approves Resolution No. Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety, Preprese Seguridad Del Generador De CO, FDOH Motivates Floridians to Get Active During American Heart Month and Encourages Regular Cholesterol Checks, FDOH and DCF Leadership Visit Duval County Core Network, The Florida Department of Health Launches Program to Provide Medical Educational Loan Debt Relief to Health Care Providers, Governor DeSantis Framework for Freedom Budget Promotes Positive Health Outcomes and Further Expands Floridas Full-Service Community Programs, National-Public-Health-Week-Highlights-the-Role-Health-Departments Play in Community Wellness, Download the Full List of Reportable Diseases and Conditions, Annual Regulatory PlansFlorida Department of Health (pdf). Information and guidance about COVID-19 for health care providers can be found on our Physician's Corner . Children/dependents traveling with an adult can be included on the adults NYS Traveler Form. Suspected staff as well as students who have been tested for COVID-19 or who have signs and symptoms of COVID-19, should remain at home and not come to school until results are known. May 26, 2021: Board approves Resolution No. September 9, 2020: Board approves Resolution No. eWIC cards are now available to provide a discreet simple transaction at the register for families shopping for WIC foods. Welcome to Nassau County's official website! December 14, 2020: Board approves Resolution No. Isolation is used to separate people infected with COVID-19 from those who are not infected. Hours Monday Friday 9 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. As your County Executive I will continue to work hard to provide . Nassau County Coronavirus Page. It is recognized, that we can always be more restrictive than county health department recommendations. Prime MD Urgent Care in Woodmere NCPD Investigating After Four Ferraris Were Stolen From Long Island Dealership, Gov. how to make podocarpus grow thicker. COUNTY OF ORANGE HEALTH OFFICER'S. ORDERS AND STRONG RECOMMENDATIONS. Employers with 11-99 employees and employers with 10 or fewer employees and a net income greater than $1 million will provide at least 5 days of paid sick leave, job protection for the duration of the quarantine order, and guarantee their workers access to Paid Family Leave and disability benefits (short-term disability) for the period of . FROM: New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) UPDATE HEALTH ADVISORY: QUARANTINE FOR COMMUNITY PERSONS EXPOSED TO COVID-19 . Breakfast and lunch will be provided for students the week of March 23-March 27 from 10am-1pm. According to the CDC, a close contact is defined as: a) within 6 feet of a positive case for more than 10-15 minutes for 48 hours before cases symptom onset to cases isolation; b) exposed to or give care to positive case; e) exposed to sneezing or coughing or talking. Consistent with recent CDC guidance, quarantine for individuals exposed to COVID-19 can end after ten days without a testing requirement if no symptoms have been reported during the quarantine period. Monoclonal Antibody Treatments (MAB) for COVID-19 can prevent severe illness . 2020-205 extending the local State of Emergency. The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) reaccredited the Florida Department of Health, which includes the Santa Rosa County Health Department, as an integrated health department for another five years. Rescinded August 10, 2020 by Executive Order 21. March 29, 2021: Board approves Resolution No. Box 929 Milton, FL 32572-0929 COVID-19 Protocols (English) COVID-19 Protocols (Spanish) Please use the guidelines below to determine whether or not your child can attend school or if they need to be quarantined due to a COVID-19 diagnosis/exposure. Rescinded via Executive Order No. Rescinded via Executive Order No. 5 Towns Central | Any reproduction is strictly prohibited. April 2, 2020: County Attorney issues Executive Order No. The Nassau County Department of Health has a designated phone number for all clinical questions from school nurses and school medical directors at 516-227-9496. 3, 2021. (Go to top) Set Screen Reader Mode On release 1.0 Nassau County Coronavirus Hotline: 516-227-9570. June 24, 2020: County Attorney issues Executive Order No. 27 issued on May 10, 2021. (this is in addition to hospital providers previously approved by Executive Order 20-315). 20-72 recommending medical providers limit all "non essential" elective medical and surgical procedures, including dental procedures. 850-973-5007 Mailing Address. 2021-034 extending the local State of Emergency. Hochul Statement Regarding Upcoming Winter Storm. Consistent with recent DOH and CDC guidance, quarantine for individuals exposed to COVID-19 can end after 10 days, without testing, if no symptoms have been reported during the quarantine period, provided that:
May 14, 2020: County Attorney issues Executive Order No. 2020-204 extending the local State of Emergency.
People who are fully vaccinated do NOT need to quarantine after contact with someone who had COVID-19 unless they have symptoms. Severe abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting. In some cases, we may decide to make notifications to other students and staff in the classroom or building who are not close contacts. July 22, 2020: Board approves Resolution No. NASSAU COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 200 COUNTY SEAT DRIVE MINEOLA, NY, 11501 NASSAU COUNTY RESIDENT REQUEST FORM FOR COVID-19 RELEASE FROM HOME ISOLATION/QUARANTINE ORDER First Name Last Name Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Email Address Confirm Email Address Mailing address with apartment number City State Zip Code Phone number where you can be reached Discover Suffolk County. Ohio Department of Health Releases Updated School Quarantine Guidance. 9, amending Executive Order No. Follow the CDC guidance about when and how long to isolate when testing positive for COVID-19. New Hyde Park-Garden City Park UFSD Response to Coronavirus. After Quarantine: Watch for symptoms until 14 days after exposure. , March 20, 2020: Governor issues Executive Order No. Follow the CDC guidance about when and how long to isolate when testing positive for COVID-19. Isolation and quarantine help protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease. With a copy of the negative COVID-19 test result OR with a note from the HCP indicating that the test was negative, as long as the persons symptoms are improving and the person is fever-free without the use of fever reducing medicines for at least 24 hours; or
April 5, 2021: Board approves Resolution No. Florida Department of Health is implementing these guidelines effective immediately. In these cases, close communication will need to occur between the health departments of other jurisdictions, Nassau County and the school districts. PLEASE NOTE: Any student who tests positive for COVID-19, requires at least a 10 day quarantine with symptoms improving and medical clearance prior to returning to Yeshiva. This is a living document that will be revised as needed to incorporate new information as provided through Federal, State and Local authorities. The Nassau County Department of Health recommends that the COVID-19 Safety Coordinator (Administrator) and other school officials be trained in the basics of COVID-19 and contact tracing and suggests the course offered by Johns Hopkins University at: They should also promptly notify the school nurse of same. This list does not include all possible symptoms and the CDC updates the list regularly as they learn more about COVID-19. Unfortunately, as a result of this abrupt decision made by the . If an employee tests positive for COVID-19 they will not return to work or school until cleared by the Health Department. October 14, 2020: Board approves Resolution No. Step-by-Step. Print Verification . Press Release. 2021-010 extending the local State of Emergency. March 16, 2020: The City of Fernandina Beach cancels all City Board meetings through March 31st. However, while no longer required, quarantine is still recommended for asymptomatic domestic travelers who are not fully vaccinated or who have not recovered from a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection within the past three months, consistent with CDC recommendations for international travel. March 15, 2021: Board approves Resolution No. Rapid or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity); Students/Staff should be sent to the school nurse if they are exhibiting these signs with no other explanation for them. Changed recommendation to conduct screening testing to focus on high-risk activities during high COVID-19 Community Level or in response to an outbreak. 2021-030 extending the local State of Emergency. This does not include rapid tests (done at points of cares such as Urgent Cares) for which reliability and validity test are still on-going and are not automatically reported to Nassau County Department of Health, at this. If you need a COVID-19 test for travel purposes, please call the Alachua County Health Department's Foreign Travel appointment line at (352) 334-7910. If you have an emergency warning sign (including trouble breathing), seek emergency medical care immediately. 2020-148 extending the local State of Emergency. The Nassau County Department of Health has a, The Nassau County Department of Health receives all confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Nassau County residents that are electronically transmitted from laboratories, by law. 20-315 regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Administration/Protecting Florida's Seniors and allowing for vaccination of individuals 65+, front line healthcare workers with direct patient contact, and staff and residents of long-term care facilities. Servicios Profesionales de Limpieza y Sanitizacin en la. Recommended Federal Remedies 9/01/2016 through 01/31/2020 (Updated 2/11/2020) State Section 12 Fines, from 7/01/2011 to 03/31/2020 (Updated 04/13/2020) (PDF) - Nursing Home Profile and Nursing Home Weekly Bed Census datasets. School administrators will consider closing school if absentee rates impact the ability of the school to operate safely.Schools may choose to modify operations prior to closing to help mitigate a rise in cases.The district will consult with the school medical director/local department of health when making such a decision. **
New Hyde Park-Garden City Park UFSD and all Nassau County School Districts have a long-standing relationship with the Nassau County Department of Health in response to communicable disease. 2020-122 extending the local State of Emergency., July 8, 2020: Board approves Resolution No. March 22, 2021: Board approves Resolution No. SUMMARY This document supersedes the March 10, 2021 guidance on quarantine for community persons exposed to COVID-19. Plan for Florida's Recovery. We will not release your name to anyone. Jacksonville, Florida - The recent announcement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding a shortened quarantine period for those exposed to COVID-19 has prompted many questions in the community; as a result, Florida Department of Health in Duval County (DOH-Duval) seeks to clarify its current approach to the quarantining of close contacts. Governor issuesExecutive Order 20-69 suspending any Florida Statute that requires a quorum to be present for public meetings by local government and authorizing use of media technology such as telephonic and video conferencing. August 12, 2020: Board approves Resolution No. 2021-051 extending the local State of Emergency. Nassau County Emergency Management is committed to keeping our site accessible to everyone., October 21, 2020: Board approves Executive Order No. Once test results are received by the Department, a text message will be sent from the number 78549 to the phone number provided during the testing process. If you do not receive this call or have any additional questions, please call the Florida Department of Health at (904) 875-6100, option 6. This seal of accreditation signifies that the unified Florida Department of Health, which includes the State Health Office and the 67 county . This will be an APP that parents will be able to download on their phone.Provisions will be made to support families that will not have access to the APP on a personal device to ensure these students are not excluded from school. The Nassau County Department of Health will attempt to confirm the case. May 21, 2020: County Attorney issues Executive Order No. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has developed a. . Services and supports related to hearing, hearing impairment, or deafness. . Rescinded August 10, 2020 by Executive Order 21. Privacy Policy. 2020-193 extending the Local State of Emergency. This individual will be responsible for answering questions from students, faculty, staff, and parents or legal guardians of students regarding the COVID-19 Re-opening Plan and its implementation. Contact. The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts. How The New York State Contact Tracing Program Works (From NYS DOH). Nassau County Police Department Test Results 2013 Yeah, reviewing a ebook Nassau County Police Department Test Results . At least 10 days after the individual first had symptoms; AND
26 adopting Nassau County's COVID-19 Vaccination Plan. Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. , March 24, 2020: Governor issues Executive Order No. The Florida Department of Health is the lead agency for COVID-19. 3 setting mandates on the local lodging establishments and local airport for individuals arriving. This includes: Sore throat, runny nose/congestion, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and nausea/vomiting/diarrhea. The county said based on New York State Department of Health . , March 27, 2020: County Attorney issues Executive Order No. Step-by-Step Plan for Florida's Recovery., June 1, 2020: Governor issues Executive Order 20-137 extending the executive order related to extension of mortgage foreclosures and eviction relief. This includes Spring Break which was scheduled the week of March 16-March 20 and the following week of March 23-27. This does not mean schools are required to have staff members take the contract tracing program. November 4, 2020: Board approves Resolution No. Having been one of the hardest hit Counties in the State and Nation many lessons were learned. You quarantine when you might have been exposed to the virus. 2021-094 extending the local State of Emergency. Important information related directly to COVID-19 including Florida cases, testing and more can be located on their website. Individuals who do not meet the above criteria and who have been exposed to someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 are required to quarantine for 10 days after exposure. West, Bethpage. Under these guidelines, with the consent of the Nassau County Department of Health, our quarantine period will now be shortened to 10 days. The giant African land snail (GALS) is one of the most damaging snails in the world and consumes at least 500 different types of plants. Parents will be encouraged by the school nurse to seek. School staff should not determine who is to be excluded from school based on contact without guidance and direction from the local department of health. Rescinded via Executive Order No. Read on. The Nassau County Department of Health has a designated phone number for questions from the public : the New York State Coronavirus Hotline at 888-364-3065 or the Nassau County Department of Health COVID Hotline at 516-227-9570. This Attestation Form will contain your Quarantine start and end date, as you indicate, and in accordance with Guidance from the New York State Department of Health. 2020-120 extending the local State of Emergency., July 2, 2020: Board approves Executive Order No. All individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate. 2 temporarily closing County beaches.March 21, 2020: County Attorney issuesExecutive Order No. 27 issued on May 10, 2021. . Although the initial response was led by a sense of urgency and crisis management, the State Surgeon General believes it is critical that as public health professionals, responses are adapted to the present to chart a future guided by data. New Hyde Park-Garden City Park UFSD will require all school nurses to complete this program and recommend this training for other school officials. For all Nassau County calls questions from parents or members of the public please call our Call Center at 516-227-9570. May 24, 2021: Board approves Resolution No. Healthier Youis a one-stop shop for Floridians to access resources to promote a healthy lifestyle. However individuals need to strictly adhere to public health mitigation measures through day 14, including correct and consistent use of a face mask, social distancing, hand hygiene, avoiding close contact and crowds and self monitoring for symptoms. The below precautions must be also followed, regardless of quarantine/vaccination/prior infection status, for all individuals exposed to COVID-19. Contact Tracing is a public health function performed by the local public health department to trace all persons who had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.This allows public health officials to put in place isolation or other measures to limit the spread of the virus.Schools must cooperate with state and local health department contact tracing.The schools will assist the public health department in knowing who may have had contact at school with a confirmed case by: Confidentiality must be maintained as required by federal and state laws and regulations. 2020-78 extending Local State of Emergency. These snails could be devastating to Florida agriculture and natural areas as they cause extensive damage to tropical and subtropical environments. Our goal is to enable you to connect with others around the community and stay up-to-date with local events. 2020-101 extending the local State of Emergency. Smart. Dont share personal household items, like cups, towels, and utensils. Fully vaccinated individuals are also encouraged to consult with their healthcare provider if they have questions about their particular situation such as, for example, any immunocompromising conditions or other concerns. 11 amending vacation rental cleaning protocols to 6 hours between guests. About Us. People who are homeless or unable to safely isolate or quarantine should call 2-1-1. . June 3, 2020: Board of County Commissioners approve Resolution No. 2021-028 extending the local State of Emergency. LOCKPORT, N.Y. (WKBW) The Niagara County Department of Health announced an update to its COVID-19 quarantine requirement Tuesday. Continue daily symptom monitoring for 14 days, starting from the day of arrival in NY; Continue strict adherence to all recommended non-pharmaceutical interventions, including hand hygiene and the use of face coverings, for 14 days (even if fully vaccinated); and. 15. Estimated Average New York State Nursing Home Rates. All Rights Reserved, FDA Announces Full Approval for Use of Pfizer-BioNTech. This means if you test positive for COVID-19 or are a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you may not get a call from a county or state COVID-19 case investigator. 25 rescinding Executive Order No. 2020-126 extending the local State of Emergency. State: *. Small Heating Tank Closure Program:All closures (abandonments or removals) of small (< 1,100 gallons) heating oil tanks located at facilities that DO NOT fall under NCPHO Article XV regulation, such as small heating oil tanks at homes, must be scheduled with this office usingthe online scheduling system. However, anyone who develops symptoms during the quarantine period should immediately seek COVID-19 diagnostic testing. The Florida Department of Health in Bay County (DOH-Bay) confirmed one COVID-19 related deaths; a 44-year-old woman (case confirmed August 14). Prime Care. SANTA ANA, CA 92701. This has led us to develop many of the strategies noted in this guidance which will assist all school districts and communities as we head towards the beginning of the 2020-21 school year. Stolen from long Island Dealership, Gov and quarantine requirements for individuals arriving these... County calls questions from school nurses to complete this program and recommend this training for other school.. Urgent care in Woodmere NCPD Investigating after Four Ferraris were Stolen from long Island Dealership, Gov employee positive. 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